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Thank you for expressing interest
in publishing through SGP.

Submissions are currently closed.


We believe everyone has a story to tell, and we love those with passion and enthusiasm! Our current authors all have the same thing in common that align with our mission statement:


To bring phenomenal stories into the world.


We are a family here at SGP. We love to tell great stories that transport readers to other worlds full of realistic characters that convince the reader it just has to be real! Our authors' works are full of emotion and love.


If you feel as though your writing aligns with our mission, then please keep an eye on our website and join our newsletter to keep up to date on when our submissions open again.


* Please note: We have very strict guidelines. If the form is incomplete or rushed (trust us, we can tell), it will be automatically rejected. Please do not send unsolicited manuscripts to us as we will simply delete them.


If you have any questions or concerns, you can email us at


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